Ambulance Emergency Service(24 hours) Phone : 080-22975829 |
Ambu Centre (24 hours) Phone : 080-22442063 |
Ambicare Phone : 080-23329909 |
Ambulance Management Phone : 080-25544419 |
Bowring Lady Curzon Hospital Phone : 080-25591362 |
Anytime AnyWhereAmbulance service (24 hours) Phone : 080-25572817 |
Bangalore Hospital (24 hours) Phone : 080-2656 2753 |
Chaitra Ambulance Phone : 080-25527737 |
Diacon Hospital Phone : 080-23329909 |
HAL Airport Air Ambulance Phone : 080-2523 6003 |
Indian Cross Society(24 hours) Phone : 080-22264205,22268435 |
ESI Hospiital (24 hours) Phone : 080-23324112,23321233,23324218 |
LifeLine Medical Services(24 hours) Phone : 080-25212852 |
Shree chowdeshwari Ambulance Service(24hours) Phone : 080-23447666,22223384 |
St.John Ambulance Association(24 hours) Phone : 080-222956431,22223384 |
Sanjeevini Ambulance Service Mobile: 0-9845291182 |
Sagar Apollo Hospital Phone : 080-26703294,26708391 |
E-one(Emergency Care) Phone : 105711 |
AAAEmergency Services Mobile: 98802 20840 |
Accident Relief Care Phone : 080-2220 7777 |
Ambu Centre Phone : 080-2244 2063 |
Ambulance Yashaswini Phone : 98450 833998 |
Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hsptl Phone : 080-2220 7640 |
Bowering &Lady Curzon Hsptl Phone : 080-2559 1362 |
Chaya Hospital Phone : 080-2542 6030 |
Chinmaya Mission Hospital Phone : 080-2628 0461 |
City Corpn(City Area) Phone : 080-2297 5829 |
City Corpon (contonment area) Phone : 080-2557 1488 |
D.G. Hospital Phone : 080-2669 6810 |
Dr.Bharghavi Reddy’sW’omen & Children HospitalPhone : 080-6559 5825 |
Fortis Hospital(Cgm Rd) Phone : 080-4199 4444 |
Fortis Hospital(sheshadripuiuram) Phone : 080-4020 0000 |
Garden City Hospital Phone : 080-2664 6202 |
Gayathri Hospital Phone : 080-2335 5201 |
Greenview Medical Center Phone : 080-4167 7377 |
Indira Gandhi Instituteof Child Health Hospital Phone : 080-2244 2421 |
Indus Westside Hospital Phone : 080-2848 8181 |
Karanth Speciality Hospital Phone : 080-2668 6583 |
Kavery Ambulance Phone : 98454 71570 |
Kumar & Co International Phone : 080-4065 9999 |
Life Line Ambulance Phone : 98800 80503 |
M S Ramaiah Hospital Phone : 080-2218 3081 |
Narauyana Hrudalaya Phone : 080-2783 5000 |
Nightingales Services Phone : 080-2354 8444 |
NU Hospitals Phone : 080-4248 9999 |
Rajnandini Hospital Phone : 080-2632 0140 |
Shivam Vishwa Hospital Phone : 080-2544 1200 |
Sree RajaRajeshwari Medical College & Hospital Phone : 080-2843 7444 |
Sri Chowdeshwari Ambulance Phone : 080-2336 7925 |
Sri Venkateshwara Hospital Phone : 080-4041 6789 |
St Philomena’s Hospital Phone : 080-4016 4300 |
Trinity Hiospital Phone : 080-2656 3994 |
Wockhardt Hospital & Heart Institute (24 hours) Phone : 080-22261037,41994444 |
Deepak Sharma is a passionate writer and avid traveler who specializes in uncovering the beauty and history of India’s attractions and temples. A graduate of Delhi University, Deepak has a deep-rooted love for his country and its rich cultural heritage.