Comprehensive List of 100 Color Names in Hindi and English

Colors are crucial in our daily lives and in how we connect with different cultures. Understanding color names in various languages helps us in both personal and professional ways.

For example, being able to describe the colors of traditional clothes or local art can deepen our cultural interactions. Also, in industries like fashion, design, and marketing, knowing the exact colors is key.

Having color knowledge in more than one language is useful in education too, as schools increasingly use materials in multiple languages. This guide is not just practical for daily tasks, but it also helps us appreciate how colors play a role in different cultures.

Getting to know these colors will help you grasp their meanings and uses in various situations. So, dive in and explore the rich world of colors!

100 Colour Names in Hindi and English: Complete List

English NameHindi Color NameHex CodeImage
Redलाल (Laal)#FF0000#FF0000 red colour
Blueनीला (Neela)#0000FF#0000FF blue color image
Greenहरा (Hara)#008000#008000 green
Yellowपीला (Peela)#FFFF00#FFFF00 yellow color
Blackकाला (Kaala)#000000#000000 black color
Whiteसफेद (Safed)#FFFFFF#FFFFFF white color
Orangeनारंगी (Narangi)#FFA500#FFA500 orange color
Pinkगुलाबी (Gulaabi)#FFC0CB#FFC0CB pink color
Purpleबैंगनी (Baingani)#800080#800080 purple color
Brownभूरा (Bhoora)#A52A2A#A52A2A brown color
Greyधूसर (Dhoosar)#808080#808080 grey color
Maroonभूरा लाल (Bhoora Laal)#800000#800000 maroon color
Violetहलके नीले रंग का (Halke Neela Rang Ka)#8A2BE2#8A2BE2 violet color
Goldसुनहरा (Sunehra)#FFD700#FFD700 gold color
Silverचांदी (Chaandi)#C0C0C0#C0C0C0 silver color
Cyanहरिनील (Harineel)#00FFFF#00FFFF cyan color
Magentaमैजेंटा (Magenta)#FF00FF#FF00FF magenta color
Indigoजामुनी (Jamuni)#4B0082#4B0082 indigo color
Turquoiseफ़िरोज़ा (Firoza)#40E0D0#40E0D0 turquoise color
Lavenderलैवेंडर (Lavender)#E6E6FA#E6E6FA lavender color
Beigeगहरा पीला (Gehra Peela)#F5F5DC#F5F5DC beige color
Oliveजैतून का रंग (Jaitoon Ka Rang)#808000#808000 olive color
Tealहरे नीले का मिश्रण (Hare Neela Ka Mishran)#008080#008080 teal color
Mustardसरसों का रंग (Sarson Ka Rang)#FFDB58#FFDB58 mustard color
Peachआड़ू (Aadoo)#FFE5B4#FFE5B4 peach color
Coralप्रवाल रंग (Pravaal Rang)#FF7F50#FF7F50 coral color
Mintपुदीना (Pudina)#98FF98#98FF98 mint color
Salmonसामन रंग (Saaman Rang)#FA8072#FA8072 salmon color
Crimsonगहरा लाल (Gehra Laal)#DC143C#DC143C crimson color
Navyगहरा नीला (Gehra Neela)#000080#000080 navy color
Khakiखाकी (Khaki)#F0E68C#F0E68C khaki color
Charcoalचारकोल (Charcoal)#36454F#36454F charcoal color
Chocolateचॉकलेट रंग (Chocolate Rang)#D2691E#D2691E chocolate color
Limeनींबू का रंग (Neembu Ka Rang)#00FF00#00FF00 lime color
Rustजंग रंग (Jang Rang)#B7410E#B7410E rust color
Amberएम्बर (Amber)#FFBF00#FFBF00 amber color
Bronzeकांस्य रंग (Kaansya Rang)#CD7F32#CD7F32 bronze color
Cobaltकोबाल्ट (Cobalt)#0047AB#0047AB cobalt color
Fuchsiaफ़्यूशिया (Fuchsia)#FF00FF#FF00FF fuchsia color
Garnetगार्नेट (Garnet)#733635#733635 garnet color
Jadeजेड (Jade)#00A86B#00A86B jade color
Lilacबकाइन (Bakain)#C8A2C8#C8A2C8 lilac color
Mauveहल्का बैंगनी (Halka Baingani)#E0B0FF#E0B0FF mauve color
Periwinkleपेरिविंकल (Periwinkle)#CCCCFF#CCCCFF periwinkle color
Saffronकेसरिया (Kesariya)#F4C430#F4C430 saffron color
Sepiaसेपिया (Sepia)#704214#704214 sepia color
Tanतन (Tan)#D2B48C#D2B48C tan color
Aquamarineहरिताभ (Haritabh)#7FFFD4#7FFFD4 aquamarine color
Burgundyगहरा लाल (Gehra Laal)#800020#800020 burgundy color
Canaryपीला (Peela)#FFEF00#FFEF00 canary color
Chartreuseहल्का हरा (Halka Hara)#7FFF00#7FFF00 chartreuse color
Emeraldपन्ना (Panna)#50C878#50C878 emerald color
Honeyशहद रंग (Shahad Rang)#FFB90F#FFB90F honey color

The Importance of Learning Colors Names in Hindi and English

Knowing color names in Hindi and English helps you learn languages better. It makes understanding words and meanings easier. Plus, it’s good for connecting with different cultures.

When you know these words, you can talk more easily with people from various places and understand their ways better.

Enhances language learning

Learning the names of colors in both Hindi and English is really helpful for improving language skills and talking across cultures. When you learn color words in two different languages, it helps your brain stay flexible and improves your memory.

This practice also makes it easier to switch from one language to another, which is an important part of being bilingual. Plus, knowing your colors is usually one of the first things you learn in a new language. It lays the groundwork for picking up more complicated parts of the language later on.

Talking about colors in Hindi and English not only builds up your vocabulary but also makes you better at understanding and using both languages, helping you communicate more smoothly when you’re in places where people speak differently.

Helps in cultural understanding

Learning color names in Hindi and English helps us connect better with different cultures. Colors mean different things in different places.

For example, while white often symbolizes purity in the West, in India, it’s linked to mourning and peace. Knowing these differences improves our communication and broadens our cultural understanding.

When we understand how colors are viewed in various cultures, we can interact more kindly and thoughtfully with people from around the world. This knowledge is especially useful today, as we often meet and work with people from different backgrounds. It helps us become better global citizens and more culturally sensitive.

Other Important Colors Names to Know

As we dive deeper into colors, it’s important to know more than just the basic ones. We should look at the whole range, including primary and secondary colors, and the different hues in a rainbow.

It helps to have a list of color names in alphabetical order. This makes it easy to find and learn about each one. Such a structured list is handy for both teaching and understanding colors in various languages.

Primary and Secondary Colors

Understanding primary and secondary colors is crucial for good communication and design. Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. You can’t make these colors by mixing others; they are the starting point.

From these, we get secondary colors—green, orange, and purple—by mixing the primaries. Knowing this helps you predict what happens when you mix colors, which is useful in everything from art to everyday tasks.

This way, you can be sure you’re using colors just as you intend.

Rainbow Colors

The colors of the rainbow are often remembered by the acronym ‘VIBGYOR.’ This stands for Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. Each color has a specific wavelength, with violet having the shortest and red the longest.

Not only do these colors make the sky look beautiful after it rains, but they also help us understand how light bends and spreads.

Teachers like to use rainbows to explain tricky ideas like refraction, reflection, and dispersion in simple terms. Studying these colors also helps us learn how various optical devices work.

Alphabetical List of Colors Names

Moving beyond the basic rainbow colors, there are many other shades that are important in art, culture, and communication.

Let’s explore some of them. Take Azure, a bright blue that looks like the sky on a clear day, and Chartreuse, a bright green-yellow that reminds us of spring’s energy.

Then there’s Crimson, a deep red that’s all about passion and energy. Mauve, a gentle purple, brings a touch of calm and elegance.

Ochre, a natural earthy color, connects us to nature and our past. These colors do more than just please the eye; they also convey different emotions and cultural messages.


Knowing colors in Hindi and English helps a lot. It’s good for school, like in art or language classes, and just talking to people every day.

As the world gets more connected, being able to describe things in different languages is really useful.

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