Surya Grahan 2024 India: Date And Time Of Solar Eclipse

The Surya Grahan, or solar eclipse, is an amazing sight, and it’s coming to India in 2024. Everyone, from scientists to everyday folks, is looking forward to it. It’s not something you see every day, so it’s a big deal.

This eclipse will happen on a set date. Some places in India will have a great view of the moon covering the sun for a little while. You’ll want to know the right time to watch to get the full effect. Different places in India will see it differently, so it pays to plan ahead if you want the best experience. It’s a fantastic show by nature, worth seeing if you can.

What is Surya Grahan or Solar Eclipse?

Definition of Surya Grahan

What is Surya Grahan or Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun for people on Earth. This event is fascinating and has been critical in human history. Depending on how the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up, we see different eclipses—total, partial, or annular—each one looking different.

In India, they call it Surya Grahan. It’s a big part of their culture, with traditions and rituals. You have to be careful when you watch an eclipse. Never look directly at the Sun without special glasses; it can hurt your eyes badly.

Also See – 2024-2026 Grahan List In India: Dates And Details

Occurrence of Surya Grahan

A solar eclipse, or Surya Grahan, happens when the Moon, Earth, and Sun line up perfectly. The Moon slides in front of the Sun, blocking its light and casting a shadow on Earth.

Sometimes, it blocks all the Sun’s light in some places, creating a total solar eclipse. This complete coverage only happens during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are aligned from our viewpoint on Earth. Where you can see a solar eclipse and how long it lasts depends on where you are on Earth and the specific positions of these three celestial bodies in space.

Date and Time of 2024 Solar Eclipse in India

2nd October, 2024

The second solar eclipse of 2024 in India is a significant astronomical event that will take place on October 2nd. It will feature the rare “Ring of Fire” phenomenon. The eclipse will start at 9:13 PM IST and continue until 3:17 PM IST the next day. The Sutak period, considered inauspicious in Hindu beliefs, will begin 12 hours before the eclipse. This event will be visible in parts of North and South America, with partial visibility in India.

Timings for Major Cities

Here’s a table for the second Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse) in 2024 in India:

EventTime (IST)
Eclipse Start9:13 PM (Previous Day)
Maximum Eclipse12:15 AM
Eclipse End3:17 AM (Next Day)
Total DurationOver 6 hours

This eclipse will feature the “Ring of Fire” phenomenon.

Remember to get ready to watch this fantastic sky show safely and on time.

Indian Standard Time (IST)

Circle Oct 8, 2024, on your calendars. On this day, we can all witness a solar eclipse across India. Everything is timed to Indian Standard Time (IST) to keep it simple for everyone.

You need to know that the eclipse starts at about 9:13 PM IST. The main event, when the eclipse peaks, will be around 12:15 AM IST. It all wraps up by 3:17 AM IST. This schedule means that no matter where you are in India, we can all enjoy this fantastic sky show simultaneously.

Precautions to Take During Surya Grahan

Importance of Eye Safety

Precautions to Take During Surya Grahan

Watching a solar eclipse, like the one in 2024, requires careful attention to eye safety to avoid lasting harm. Looking directly at the sun without proper protection can seriously damage your eyes, even causing permanent vision loss due to solar retinopathy. It’s crucial to wear special solar viewing glasses that are up to international safety standards. These glasses protect your eyes from harmful rays across the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectrum.

Another safe way to watch the eclipse is by using a pinhole projector or a telescope fitted with a solar filter. It’s essential not to use regular sunglasses, smoked glass, or any optical device without a proper filter. These provide insufficient protection and could put your eyes at significant risk during the eclipse.

Importance of Skin Safety

Protecting your eyes is crucial during a solar eclipse, but don’t forget about your skin. The sun’s rays can be sneaky and more intense, which might lead to sunburns or even long-term damage without you noticing.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Slap on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 about fifteen minutes before you head outside.
  2. Put more on every two hours, or right after you swim or sweat a lot.
  3. Wear light, long-sleeved shirts and pants, and don’t forget a wide-brimmed hat.
  4. Stay in the shade as much as possible, especially when the eclipse is at its peak and the UV rays are strongest.

These steps will keep your skin safe and let you enjoy the eclipse without worry.

See – Chandra Grahan Timing: Lunar Eclipse 2024 Dates And Times

Importance of Eating Sattvik Food During Grahan

During a solar eclipse, eating Sattvik food is good for keeping your body and mind clear. Sattvik foods are light and clean, and they help improve your energy and mental state. This diet includes fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, which are easy to digest and help keep you calm and clear-headed.

It’s best to avoid tamasic foods such as meat, onions, garlic, and anything fermented. These can make you feel sluggish and foggy. The idea is that during an eclipse, there’s a unique energy in the air, and eating light, nutritious Sattvik foods can help you better connect with these cosmic shifts.


In 2024, India will see a unique solar eclipse. It’s a big deal because it doesn’t happen often. Everyone getting ready to watch should know when it happens and how to watch it safely. It’s a chance not just to see something cool but to learn and think about what it means in our culture.

Wear the right eye protection. It’s also a good idea to join a local astronomy club for a viewing event. Some people like to eat special foods like sattvic to make the day more meaningful.

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