Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple| Aarti Time, History

Key Takeaways

  • The temple opens every day from 2:30 AM to 9:00 PM. The day starts early with Kakad Aarti at 2:30 AM.
  • From 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM, they hold a special prayer called Laghu Rudrabhishek puja. It’s a time dedicated to spiritual rituals.
  • The temple sits next to the Bhima River in the Gulbarga district of Karnataka. It’s a special place for followers of Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy.
  • It has a rich history that goes back to the 14th century, the time when Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy lived there.
  • The temple is famous for its big religious festivals. It’s also a place where many find peace and spiritual renewal.

Located by the Bhima River in Karnataka’s Gulbarga district, the Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple is a crucial place of worship for devotees of Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi Swamy. People come here seeking peace and spiritual blessings. The temple is known for its unique reddish-brown Padukas, which represent Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi, the second avatar of Lord Dattatreya.

Visitors especially gather during special times like Guru Pournima and Shravana Masa. They celebrate these festivals with great enthusiasm and devotion. Besides, the temple has a rich history linked to old mystical traditions, which adds to its spiritual atmosphere.

Temple Timings and Aarti

Temple Timings and Aarti

2:30 AM – 9:00 PM

Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple is open daily for visitors from 2:30 AM to 9:00 PM. This schedule allows plenty of time for worshippers to participate in spiritual activities in a peaceful setting.

Following these hours ensures all rituals are conducted properly and respectfully. Visitors should stick to the temple rules, such as dressing appropriately and not taking photos, to keep the place sacred. The long hours help everyone join in different pujas and ceremonies, visiting a profoundly spiritual journey here.

2:30 AM to 3:00 AM Kakad Aarti

The Kakad Aarti starts at 2:30 AM every day at the Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple. It’s a unique way to start the day, connecting with Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi Swamy. The early morning is calm, and as the oil lamps flicker and chants fill the air, you feel something special. People often say they feel peaceful and refreshed after attending.

Let’s break it down a bit:

  • Timing: It’s from 2:30 AM to 3:00 AM. It’s really early but a fresh start to the day.
  • Main Deity: The focus is on Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi. People feel safe and looked after during the aarti.
  • Environment: It’s quiet and only the oil lamps light up the place. It’s the perfect setting to think deeply.
  • Spiritual Tone: It wakes up your spirit and gets you connected. It’s a solid way to find that inner link.

Various pujas and Laghu Rudrabhishek from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM

Various pujas and Laghu Rudrabhishek

After the peaceful Kakad Aarti, devotees have the chance to participate in various pujas and the Laghu Rudrabhishek from 3:00 to 5:00 AM. This time is really special for spiritual activities.

The Laghu Rudrabhishek is a shorter version of the Rudrabhishek ceremony, in which devotees honor Lord Shiva by washing the Shiva Linga with holy items. These pujas are also a way for people to ask for health, wealth, and spiritual growth.

During these hours, the temple feels full of devotion, offering a deep and meaningful experience to everyone there. These rituals are key to keeping the spiritual essence and history of the Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple alive.


Location and significance

The Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple is a significant spiritual site located by the Bhima River in Karnataka’s Gulbarga district. It’s dedicated to Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi Swamy, the second form of Lord Dattatreya. Here’s why this place is special:

  1. Historical Significance: It’s said to be where Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi Swamy lived back in the 14th century.
  2. Spiritual Retreat: Known as a ‘Darshaneeya Kshetra,’ it’s a go-to spot for peace and blessings.
  3. Cultural Center: The temple is bustling during events like Guru Pournima and Shravana Masa, attracting thousands every year.

Rituals and pujas

The daily rituals at Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple are more than just routines; they’re a deep-rooted part of worship, starting before dawn at 2:30 AM with the Kakad Aarti. Each ceremony throughout the day has a particular purpose, all to honor Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy, who is Lord Dattatreya’s second form. So, what happens? Well, devotees get to join in various services like the Rudrabhishekam, where the deity receives a sacred bath. There’s also the Maha Mangalarathi, a major worship ceremony.

It’s not just about these rituals; the temple also focuses on community and spirituality through the Maha Naivedya and Annadan Seva. This involves offering the deity food and sharing meals with the community. These practices are all about cleansing, showing devotion, and receiving blessings. They bring everyone together, creating a sense of unity and spiritual well-being.

Religious festivals celebrated

Religious festivals celebrated

Throughout the year, Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple holds many religious festivals. These events bring people from all over to celebrate together.

  1. Guru Pournima: This is a big event at the temple. It honors the tradition of teaching and learning. Devotees perform special prayers and rituals for Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy, who is considered the second form of Lord Dattatreya.
  2. Shravana Masa: This month is entire of spiritual activities at the temple. There are special prayers and offerings every day, and people pay particular respect to the sacred Padukas.
  3. Guru Dwadashi: This festival happens in the month of Magha. It marks the day when Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy left for Kardali Vanam. The day is filled with processions and cultural shows.


Shri Kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya Temple is an important spiritual place with a long history that dates back to the 14th century. It holds rituals like the Kakad Aarti every day.

This temple preserves the local cultural heritage and offers a place of peace for those seeking spiritual guidance. Its rich history and spiritual value continue to attract many visitors, keeping Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy’s legacy alive and well.

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