50+ Animal Names In Hindi And English: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s world, knowing more than one language is super useful, not just for getting to know other people but also for understanding different cultures better.

‘Discover Animal Names in Hindi and English: A Comprehensive Guide’ is a great resource for anyone interested in a rich variety of languages.

This book isn’t just about learning animal names in two languages; it’s about seeing the world differently.

By comparing how different cultures name animals, we can learn a lot about how they see nature and the animal kingdom.

See Also – Birds Name In Hindi And English: Comprehensive List Of 50+ Species

50+ Common Animal Names in Hindi and English

English NameHindi NameImage
Lionसिंह (Singh)Lion singh animal image
Tigerबाघ (Bagh)Tiger bagh animal photo
Elephantहाथी (Hathi)Elephant hathi animal image
Dogकुत्ता (Kutta)Dog kutta animal photo
Catबिल्ली (Billi)Cat billi animal image
Cowगाय (Gai)Cow gai animal photo
Buffaloभैंस (Bhains)Buffalo bhains animal image
Horseघोड़ा (Ghoda)Horse ghoda animal photo
Goatबकरी (Bakri)Goat bakri animal image
Sheepभेड़ (Bhed)Sheep bhed animal photo
Camelऊँट (Unt)Camel unt animal image
Monkeyबंदर (Bandar)Monkey bandar animal photo
Rabbitखरगोश (Khargosh)rabbit khargosh animal image
Deerहिरण (Hiran)Deer hiran animal image
Foxलोमड़ी (Lomdi)Fox lomdi animal image
Wolfभेड़िया (Bhediya)Wolf bhediya animal image
Bearभालू (Bhalu)Bear bhalu animal photo
Leopardतेंदुआ (Tendua)Leopard tendua animal image
Cheetahचीता (Cheeta)Cheetah cheeta animal image
Giraffeजिराफ़ (Jiraf)Giraffe jiraf animal photo
Zebraज़ेबरा (Zebra)Zebra animal image
Rhinocerosगैंडा (Gainda) rhinoceros gainda animal image
Hippopotamusदरियाई घोड़ा (Dariyai Ghoda)Hippopotamus dariyai ghoda animal photo
Crocodileमगरमच्छ (Magarmachh)Crocodile magarmachh animal image
Alligatorघड़ियाल (Ghariyal)Alligator ghariyal animal image
Batचमगादड़ (Chamgadar)Bat chamgadar animal photo
Squirrelगिलहरी (Gilahri)Squirrel gilaharee animal photo
Ratचूहा (Chooha)Rat chooha animal image
Mouseमूषक (Mooshak)Mouse mooshak animal image
Mongooseनेवला (Nevla)Mongoose nevla animal photo
Porcupineसाही (Sahi)Porcupine sahi animal image
Frogमेंढक (Mendak)Frog mendak animal photo
Toadभेक (Bhek)Toad animal image
Lizardछिपकली (Chipkali)
Snakeसांप (Saanp)Snake saanp animal photo
Cobraनाग (Naag)Cobra naag animal image
Pythonअजगर (Ajgar)Python ajgar animal image
Vultureगिद्ध (Giddh)Vulture giddh animal name
Henमुर्गी (Murgi)Hen murgi animal image
Roosterमुर्गा (Murga)Rooster murga animal image
Turkeyटर्की (Turkey)Turkey animal image
Swanहंस (Hans)Swan hans animal image
Craneसारस (Saras)Crane saras animal image
Flamingoराजहंस (Rajhans)Flamingo rajhans animal image
Penguinपेंगुइन (Penguin)Penguin animal image
Dolphinडॉल्फिन (Dolphin)Dolphin animal image
Whaleव्हेल (Whale)Whale animal image
Sharkशार्क (Shark)Shark animal image
Octopusऑक्टोपस (Octopus)Octopus animal iamge
Jellyfishजेलीफ़िश (Jellyfish)jellyfish animal image
Starfishतारामछली (Taramachhli)Starfish taramachli animal image
Crabकेकड़ा (Kekda)Crab kekra animal image
Lobsterझींगा (Jhinga)Lobster jhinga animal image
Shrimpझींगा मछली (Jhinga Machhli)Shrimp jhinga machhali animal image
Turtleकछुआ (Kachhua)Turtle kachhua animal image
Antचींटी (Cheenti)Ant chhenti animal image
Scorpionबिच्छू (Bichhoo)Scorpion bichhoo animal image

Why Learn Animal Names in Hindi?

Learning animal names in Hindi can really boost your language skills and help you connect with the culture. It’s not just about memorizing words; it’s about getting a deeper sense of the area’s wildlife and its role in local stories and traditions.

If you’re traveling or into different cultures, knowing these names makes conversations with locals more interesting and enriches your experience. For students and professionals in fields like language, biology, or environmental studies, this knowledge helps in working across different areas.

It helps you communicate better and shows respect for the cultural and natural heritage of Hindi-speaking places. So, understanding these names is useful for education, making social connections, and caring about the environment.

Exploring animal idioms and slang shows how much animals influence our language and daily talks. These phrases often mean more than what the words say, reflecting how we see animal behaviors and traits.

For example, when we call someone a ‘dark horse’ in English, it means they have surprising skills, much like an unexpected winner in horse racing.

In Hindi, the phrase ‘haathi ke daant khane ke aur, dikhaane ke aur’ (elephant teeth are different for showing and eating) tells us that looks can be misleading.

These idioms not only make our language richer but also give us a peek into how different cultures view animals and humans alike.

See Also – Comprehensive List of 100 Color Names in Hindi and English

Resources for Learning Hindi Animal Names

To boost your Hindi vocabulary, start with these simple resources for learning animal names. First off, apps like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone are great. They have specific sections just for learning new words, like those for animals.

Websites like Omniglot and MindurHindi are also helpful. They give you lists of words along with how to pronounce them.

If you prefer watching and listening, check out YouTube channels like HindiPod101. Their videos are easy to follow and really make the learning stick.

And don’t forget about children’s books in Hindi. You can find these at libraries or online. They’re fun to read and great for practice.

All these tools together make it pretty easy to get a handle on Hindi animal names.


Knowing animal names in Hindi can really boost your vocabulary and help you get a better grasp of the language.

If you love languages, travel, or cultural studies, understanding these words can make your conversations richer and show your respect for the culture.

This guide was designed to help you connect better with Hindi speakers.

As you keep learning Hindi, remember that every word you learn not only improves your language skills but also gives you more insight into the culture.

We hope this detailed look at animal names in Hindi and English helps you in your studies or personal interests, and keeps you curious about India’s diverse linguistic traditions.

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