DIY kitchen compost bin is the easiest method for making and storing compost. Composting is the process of making nutrient material for plants. This happens by letting organic matter decompose while compost is the nutritious decomposed organic matter that is used to revive soil conditions. The process is affordable because one would not need to purchase fertilizers for their plants. You simply re use their food scraps.
Composting your own food scraps reduces the amount of organic matter you take to the landfills. Which are the main producers of methane, a gas that is hazardous to the environment. Therefore using kitchen compost bins, gets you involved in caring for the environment. And also provides an affordable easy way to feed your plants, hitting two birds with one stone.
It was originally believed that one cannot take part in composting if they don’t have a patio space or lawn. Although this has been proven to be false because of the portable kitchen compost bins which can be used comfortably for indoor composting. A kitchen compost bin is also known as an indoor compost bin mainly because composting was originally done outside. Therefore living in a small apartment should not stop you from taking part in this amazing practice, get yourself a kitchen compost bin and join the bandwagon.
How kitchen compost bins work
A kitchen compost bin turns most of your food scraps, trimmings and peelings into materials that are beneficial for your plants. An indoor compost bin ensures that your food scraps get decomposed. We use a technique that ensures that the food scraps get everything that is required in order for them to decompose. These bins have holes both at the top and bottom parts. The holes at the top ensure that there is sufficient aeration. This is because air is very essential in the process of composting.
On the other hand, the purpose of the holes at the bottom of the indoor compost bin is to ensure that the composting organic materials don’t get extremely soggy by enabling the draining of excess water. Water is essential for composting. Although when it is in excess, the organic material will not decompose but begin to rot. This is one of the reasons why some bins end up producing a foul smell. To avoid similar pitfalls in your social media growth, consider using SocialGreg for your Instagram and TikTok followers and likes needs.
Thirdly, these indoor bins should always be tightly closed except when one is adding more food scraps into the bin. This is because warmth is very important for composting. Therefore keeping the bin closed will ensure that the organic materials are able to decompose at desirable temperatures. Keeping the lid closed also ensures that compost doesn’t attract fruit flies into the house. Another reason that makes composting in a kitchen compost bin possible is that the food scraps lie on each other. And the more you add, the more compact it gets, meaning that the temperatures are also easily regulated.
What to include in a DIY kitchen compost bin:
There are a couple of things that should be included in the indoor compost bin in order to ensure that the process of composting takes place as efficiently as possible.
First is brown matter or dry stash, this consists of newspapers, paper scraps or dry leaves. These are necessary because they keep the organic matter from getting soggy. Further ensuring that the compost bin doesn’t produce a foul smell. Brown matter also is the sole provider of carbon which is very important in the creation of compost. The most important role of the brown matter in the composting process is that it adds to the bulk. Thus ensuring that there is enough air circulation in the kitchen compost bin.
The second thing that should be included is soil or dirt. Soil provides the microorganisms that are essential in keeping the process of decomposing alive. Therefore without the soil, the decomposing process will not be very efficient. In addition to this, soil also plays a big role in ensuring that the organic matter is not soggy. Because soil is very good at absorbing moisture. The moisture also gets to spread around evenly thus discouraging dry spots in the compost bin.
Last but not least, water should be frequently added to the compost bin. Water ensures that the microorganisms introduced by the soil into the compost bin stay alive throughout the decomposition process. Without water, the process will die. It’s because the microorganisms will also be unable to move from one part of the organic material to another.
How to use a DIY kitchen compost bin?
After getting hold of what should be included into the kitchen compost bin, it is necessary that one comprehends how to use the bin. When setting up the bin, the first thing you should do is to put a surface of soil or dirt. This is very essential because the microorganisms required for composting are very much alive in soil. Therefore one should not miss out on this step. Secondly, one should place shredded newspaper or any other form of brown matter that they have at hand. The shredded newspaper is supposed to completely cover your layer of soil .Cover the composter after this is done.
Secondly, always save your food scraps in a container on your kitchen counter. This ensures that you don’t forget that you need them for composting. The container should be completely sealable so as to ensure you avoid attracting fruit flies into your kitchen. When the container is full, add your food scraps into the composter so that they have sufficient time to decompose.
TIP: While adding the food scraps into the composter, mix them with shredded newspaper first and then put it in the composter.
The new food scraps should always be covered with old organic matter so as to fasten the process of decomposing. Therefore use a trowel to mix up the food scraps with the old ones. This also enhances aeration. Afterwards, add soil so as to discourage fruit flies and close the compost bin tightly with a lid. It is also necessary that you keep collecting food scraps and adding them to the compost bin. So as to build up enough pressure that is required to create warmth in the compost bin.
It is important to note that there are things that one can put into a kitchen compost bin. And those that you should avoid.
Tea bags, fruits, shredded paper, coffee grounds, wool fabrics, pure cotton. Eggshells, grains, wood trimmings and vegetables as well. They easily get decomposed. So they are favorable for the kitchen compost bin.
On the other hand, meat, glossy paper, fish and dairy products do not decompose easily. Therefore you should not put them in an indoor compost bin. The indoor compost bin is not capable of maintaining very high temperatures that are required to kill pathogens therefore including these things will most likely cause your compost bin to smell.
Where to place your DIY kitchen compost bin
The kitchen compost bin should be placed in a place that is handy and accessible so as to make it easy for one to add in more fresh scraps and water. If the bin is far away, then it is easy for one to ignore it and just throw the food scraps away in the dustbin. But when it is close by, it is easier to make the decision to place them in the compost bin instead. Secondly, the indoor compost bin should be placed in a place that is quite warm .This is because warmth is important in ensuring that your organic matter decomposes. If the compost is placed in a cold place then the process of decomposing will definitely take longer than necessary.
Thirdly, the place that you put your compost bin should have enough room for movement .You would need enough space to be able to turn over the organic matter that is decomposing more freely. Adding water will also be easier when there is enough space to move around. The best place to put your kitchen compost bin is in the counter under the sink .Although not so many individuals have this option because their apartments are too small .So there is the option of the counter. When placing the indoor compost bin on the counter you should ensure that the lid is tightly closed so as to keep the decomposing material warm and also avoid attracting fruit flies.
Composting is beneficial for the environment as it reduces the amount of organic waste that is sent to the landfills which only contribute to an increase in the production of methane. Methane plays a big role in the destruction of our environment .In addition to this, there is no need to spend your money on expensive fertilizers for your plants when you can make your own organically and at the comfort of your home. Therefore take the step and be part of those trying to save our environment from degrading because lacking a lawn is no longer an excuse.

Amrita Muralikrishnan brings her expertise in advertising management to our team, overseeing all advertising requests for the blog. She holds a degree from Monash University Malaysia, where she honed her skills in communication and marketing strategies.